Funding Opportunities

Funding Opportunities in the Office of Graduate Studies

The Travel Support Program reimburses up to $750 of conference fees, transportation costs, and lodging costs to matriculated graduate students who present at or attend academic conferences or professional disciplinary meetings. Graduate students can apply for Travel Support once per academic year, from July 1 - June 30.

The application requires the following:

  • Your contact and program information
  • A faculty recommender's name and email address
  • Proof of acceptance or registration to the conference
  • A two-paragraph statement on what you hope to gain or learn from the conference
  • Screenshots of expenses, combined into one PDF
  • Proof of enrollment
  • A presentation abstract (if you are presenting)

NOTICE: The Travel Support Program application has exhausted funds for the 2024-2025 academic year and is no longer accepting new applications. Join the GRC Canvas Course for additional updates. -February 25, 2025

This fund is a reimbursement program designed to support Cal State LA graduate student research and/or scholarship conducted toward completing a thesis, creative activity, or dissertation. Students funded through this award will receive reimbursement for approved supplies, equipment, and services.  Please email your application and other requirements to [email protected].

This program seeks to increase the diversity of students completing graduate degree programs at the CSU, encourages continuation toward doctoral programs, and promotes consideration of university faculty careers. It provides fellowships for economically disadvantaged CSU students who have had success in overcoming educational disadvantages and promotes faculty mentoring and research opportunities. To apply for a Graduate Equity Fellowship, you must:

  • Applications will be accepted from all students eligible for financial aid based on California State University criteria. The Office of Student Financial Services will determine the amount of the fellowship (maximum $1,000 per semester) based on the applicant’s demonstrated financial need and availability of funds.
  • Be a legal California resident or have an AB540 affidavit on file with your CSU campus;
  • Be admitted to a CSU campus and to a graduate program as a classified or conditionally classified student;
  • Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or a California Dream Act Application (CADAA);
  • Have financial need of at least $1,000;
  • Enroll at least half-time in a graduate degree program
  • Demonstrate potential to succeed in graduate school and to complete a graduate degree program in no more than two years as evidenced by undergraduate coursework and letters of recommendation.
  • Fellowship recipients must be enrolled as classified graduate students and must maintain satisfactory academic progress, which includes maintaining a minimum B (3.0) grade point average.

Program Description


The Graduate Student Non-Resident Tuition Waiver Program allows a limited number of non-resident and international students to pay in-state tuition and fees instead of the out-of-state fees. Applications are submitted to the College Associate Dean's Office in the spring semester and the tuition waivers become available the following fall semester.


Funding Available Through Other Departments

Cal State LA has over 400 scholarship opportunities to support your educational goals. You can browse the various scholarships available on our Cal State LA Scholarships Application site during the scholarship application season (March - April). The scholarships are made available through the generosity of our University donors, alumni, and friends. Please keep in mind, if you completed the FAFSA or California Dream Act Application these scholarship opportunities will be coordinated along with other financial aid and outside agency financial aid programs.

To apply, simply follow the steps on the General Scholarship Application and you will be automatically matched to the scholarships for which you meet the minimum qualifications. Final selections will then be made based on a ranking of the applicants by the scholarship committees.

The State University Grant (SUG) is awarded to California residents for payment of state tuition fees and is based on the level of financial need and the assessed State Tuition Fee each term. This grant will be reduced or cancelled if tuition fees are waived or paid by another source — including Cal Grants. The maximum SUG awards for full-time enrollment are listed below:

  • Post baccalaureate Credential students – $6,660
  • Graduate/Master’s students - $7,176


State University Grants (SUG) are based on financial need and annual funding with priority consideration given to eligible students who submit their FAFSA by the March 2nd deadline and have a zero ($0) Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Dream Act filers must have filed the Dream Act application by the March 2nd priority deadline, have a zero ($0) Expected Family Contribution (EFC), and have an approved AB-540 non-resident tuition waiver on file with the University. Students who are pursuing a second degree (i.e., second Bachelor’s, second Master's, second Credential, or a second Ph. D.) or are admitted as an unclassified post-baccalaureate student are NOT eligible to receive SUG funding. Students must be enrolled at least half-time each term to be eligible for disbursement. Final enrollment for each semester is determined at University Census.

  • For Credential Students, enrollment in 6 or more units is required

  • For Graduate students, enrollment in 4 or more units is required (5000-6000)

The total earned units listed below will be used to determine your eligibility for a SUG disbursement.  If your total earned units exceed the limits below for your academic career, you will no longer be eligible for the SUG grant and your award will be canceled.

  • Credential Students: 30 or greater total earned units (include all prior credential programs and graduate transfer units)
  • Master’s and Doctorate students: 125% of the published requirement for the degree (include all prior Master’s degree units, units earned through Extended Education, and graduate transfer units). To calculate your degree units, multiply the total units required by 1.25.

For more information, please visit the Financial Aid and Scholarships Grants page. 

The Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program is a federally funded program administered by the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office that provides part-time employment opportunities to earn money to help pay education expenses through on and off-campus jobs. Students can work up to 20 hours per week while classes are in session. Work-Study funds are limited. Priority funding consideration will be given to students who submit their FAFSA by the March 2nd priority filing deadline.

Financial aid recipients that are interested in FWS may submit a FAN Change Form to request an award. FWS funds will be dependent upon the determination of the student's aid eligibility and the availability of funds.

Under the general supervision of the Department Chair and/or individual faculty, graduate assistants will provide instructional assistance for specific courses within the Department.

Current openings for GA roles can be found on the Academic Positions webpage or contact a Department directly to inquire about their available GA positions. 

Teaching Associates will teach lower-division undergraduate courses/labs within a Department.

Current openings for TA roles can be found on the Academic Positions webpage or contact a Department directly to inquire about their available TA positions. 

Cal State LA offers financial and housing assistance to students who are facing an emergency situation or crisis. This would include serious, unexpected circumstances beyond the student’s control (e.g., death in family, accident, fire, sudden loss of housing or job, medical crisis, etc.), which directly affect the student's ability to continue and be successful in school.

Apply through the Office of the Dean of Students webpage.